Shree Srinivas Reddy posted the following response on our guestbook regarding the protest. We leave it to the readers of this site to judge his words. I am one of the owners of Club Karma in Chicago and I would like a fair chance to respond. First, I woul ...
Club Karma Defames Hindu Dharma
Background Information / Press ReleaseDRINKING, DANCING DEITIES: AN ATTACK ON HINDU DHARMAThe latest trend in the Indian-American subculture is the rise of the Indian-theme bar and nightclub a place that combines Hindu deities and Indian art with the drin ...
Call for Action; Drinking, Dancing Deities: An Attack on Hindu Dharma
Thank you for exploring this site and not being satisfied with the corruption of Hindu ideals. The following press release explains the controversy behind the nightclub Karma and its denigration of Hindu dharma through the exploitation of symbols of divi ...