The horrors of the Holocaust that unfolded in Nazi Germany in the 20th century were preceded by an intense anti-Semitic discourse that dehumanized the Jewish people. Anti-Semitic discourse paved the way for a society claiming to be civilized to perpetrate ...
Hindudvesha / Hinduphobia Webinar: What Can Hindus Learn from the Jewish Holocaust
The horrors of the Holocaust that unfolded in Nazi Germany in the 20th century were preceded by an intense anti-Semitic discourse that dehumanized the Jewish people. Anti-Semitic discourse paved the way for a society claiming to be civilized to perpetrate ...
AHAD Webinar Hindudvesha – Systemic Hinduphobia in School Textbooks
Systemic Hinduphobia, Hindudvesha is systematized and institutionalized in school textbooks, not only in the USA but also around the world, including India itself. It deeply impacts our younger generation, who are taught that Hinduism is backward, hierarc ...
Hindudvesha – Systemic Hinduphobia Webinar : The Colonial Roots of Hindudvesha
The Colonial Roots of Hindudvesha – When did it start ? Who started it ? Click here to register In this Webinar, we will be exploring the genealogy of Hindudvesha. While Hindudvesha goes far back into history, we will pick up an important thread ...
Original Nazi Resolution Designating Hakenkreuz as Symbol of Hate
The Original Nazi Resolution on Hakenkreuz
AHAD Demands that New York State Senate include the Nazi Hakenkreuz and NOT the sacred Swastika in New York school curriculum
July 21, 2020 American Hindus Against Defamation (AHAD) an initiative of World Hindu Council of America (VHPA), has issued the following statement on NY State Senate Bill SS 6648: NY State Senate Bill SS 06648 sponsored by Senator Todd Kaminsky (D) 9TH ...
Swastika, NY Town Board Votes To Keep Its Name, Cites Use In Hindu, Buddhism BY MEGHAN ROOS ON 9/21/20 AT 6:52 PM EDT The board members of a small community in northern New York decided last week to keep the area’s co ...