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Hindus object to Tomb Raider sequences
Author: VIJI SUNDARAM Publication: INDIAWEST Publication Date: Jan 17, 2002, 03.33 PM IST A Hindu coalition in the US is once again taking up the cudgels against the us entertainment industry for what it calls "religious bigotry." the target this time ...
AHAD Gives Voice to Hindu Sentiments Against Eyes Wide Shut
The following statement was issued by Ajay Shah, Convenor, American Hindus Against Defamation, in response to the decision by Executive Producer of Eyes Wide Shut to edit out the Bhagwad Gita shloka from the UK and other foreign distribution of the movie. ...
Shloka In Orgy Scene To Go, But Hundreds of Prints of Eyes Wide Shut Will Still Retain It
Publication: Rediff URL: http://www.rediff.com/news/1999/sep/01us1.htm Date of Publication: 09/1999 Author: R S Shankar Bowing to pressure by the American Hindus Against Defamation and its allies, Warner Bros agreed on Monday to delete from th ...
Letter to Warner Bros about Eyes Wide Shut Movie
American Hindus Against Defamation Web : http://www.hindunet.org/ahad/ E-mail : ajay@hindunet.org, chetanp@pacbell.net ----------------------------------------- Warner Brothers 4000 Warner Blvd Burbank, CA 91522 Email: wbol-admin@WARNERBROS.COM Phone: (8 ...
Urgent Clarification Sought From Producers of “Xena”
AHAD Letter to the producers of the show: Urgent Clarification Sought From Producers of "Xena" American Hindus Against Defamation Representing several prominent Hindu organizations in N. America Sue May Pacific Renaissance Pictures Ltd. P. O. Box 90409 ...
Portrayal of Shree Krishna on Xena : The Warrior Princess Raises Concerns of Hindus Worldwide
Producers of the popular TV show, “Xena: Warrior Princess” have cast Krishna as a fictional supporting player in an upcoming action episode - "The Way". The program, produced by Universal Studios, has Xena “seeking the help of the god Krishna to rescue G ...
Letter from World Vaishnava Association: “Xena” World Vaishnava Association
Letter to the producers of Xena from World Vaishnava Association India: 146 Gopesvara Road, Dist. Mathura UP Pin 281121 United States: 3585 Red Dog Drive, Camino, CA 95709 February 21, 1999 Sue May Pacific Renaissance Pictures Ltd. P.O. Box 90409 Aucklan ...
Owner of Karma Club Responds to the Protest
Shree Srinivas Reddy posted the following response on our guestbook regarding the protest. We leave it to the readers of this site to judge his words. I am one of the owners of Club Karma in Chicago and I would like a fair chance to respond. First, I woul ...
Club Karma Defames Hindu Dharma
Background Information / Press ReleaseDRINKING, DANCING DEITIES: AN ATTACK ON HINDU DHARMAThe latest trend in the Indian-American subculture is the rise of the Indian-theme bar and nightclub a place that combines Hindu deities and Indian art with the drin ...