
HinduPACT Responds to US State Department and Ambassador Garcetti’s Criticisms of India’s Decision to Implement CAA

The following press release was issued by HinduPACT (an initiative of VHPA) on comments by the US State Department and US Amb. Eric Garcetti on India’s decision to implement CAA.March 16, 2024Considering recent criticisms from the US State Department and the US Ambassador to India regarding implementing India’s Constitutional Amendment Act (CAA), Hindu Policy Research and Advocacy Collective (HinduPACT) reaffirms its unwavering support for the CAA.  The legislation provides expedited citizenship ...


Chicago Indian Americans celebrate a big win!

Indian Americans win 8 month long battle: Chicago Anti-India Anti-CAA Resolution Defeated.  Richa Gautam Excited and relieved Indian Americans all over the USA celebrated the defeat of a Chicago resolution sponsored by Ms. Maria Hadden, city councilor of 49th Ward.  Called “the sugar coated cyanide pill” by Chicago Indian Americans, the resolution started off by congratulating India for its democracy and Independence Day but soon moved to vicious and denigrating clauses.A long drawn 8 month ...


HinduPACT Opposes San Francisco, CA Resolution Against India’s CAA

On July 22, 2020, San Francisco, CA City Council became the sixth US city council to pass Indiaphobic and Hinduphobic Anti-CAA Resolution condemning India for expediting citizenship to persecuted minorities in Indian Subcontinent.  HinduPACT registered a strong protest against this resolution and urged  mayor of San Francisco to veto the resolution.  Mayor did not sign this resolution, however, since the Mayor did not actively veto the legislation, it was adopted after a waiting p ...


Chicago Anti-CAA Resolution Response

HinduPACT has issued a point-by-point rebuttal to the Hinduphobic resolution being proposed at the Chicago City Council.  Not only is this proposal misleading but it is part of a larger conspiracy to deprive Hindu refugees that are persecuted in their own countries from seeking refuge in India, putting their lives in a grave danger.Chicago Resolution and the Rebuttal“RESOLUTION HONORING INDIA’S INDEPENDENCE AND DEMOCRACY”A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE CITY OF CHICAGO AS A WELCOMING AND INCLUSIVE C ...


World Hindu Council of America (VHPA) Letter to St. Paul City Council

May 16, 2020 Respected Council Members, World Hindu Council of America (VHPA) is one of the oldest American Hindu organizations. VHPA strongly opposes St. Paul City Council Resolution 20-712. We urge you to join Vice President Biden in showing compassion towards Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, and Christian refugees from Pakistan and Afghanistan. Democratic Presidential candidate, Joe Biden issued a statement on May 15, 2020 that says, “I want to express my concern about the situation facing Sikhs ...


VHPA Statement on Seattle City Council Resolution 31926

February 20, 2020 The following statement was issued by the World Hindu Council of America (VHPA), the most prominent national American non-profit organization on February 2, 2019. India’s neighboring countries persecute minorities without impunity.  Just last week, a Hindu girl was abducted from her own wedding venue in Sindh province of Pakistan, converted to Islam and forcibly married to a person she never knew.  A couple of weeks ago, a Hindu temple was ransacked in Pakistan, and the local H ...

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