An ever-vigilant coalition of the largest Hindu organizations – a Hindu watchdog group dedicated to preserving the sanctity of Hindu symbols, icons, culture, and customs.

Dharma Rakshak Rakshitaha Those who defend the Dharma are Defended by It.

The basic Hindu premise is the Rig Vedic belief, Ekam Satah Viprah Bahudha Vadanti, which means that “The Truth is One, but the Wise See it in Different Ways.” This acceptance of all paths as true is the cornerstone of all Hindu thought processes, ensuring that everyone feels included and respected.

We Hindus welcome philosophical disagreements and criticism of Hindu social practices. However, every once in a while, some prominent person or media maliciously assails Hindu dharma. For some, Hindu bashing is a favorite hobby rooted in malice; for others, it is fashionable, yet others have used it for political and financial gains.

While we do not believe in an organized form of religion, we do believe that the followers of Hindu dharma need to be organized to take up the challenges posed by these detractors of Hindu dharma. AHAD is intended to be the watchdog for anti-Hindu activities. Whether you are a Hindu or not, you are invited to participate in AHAD activities and point out the events and incidents, news items, television shows, etc., that you perceive to be anti-Hindu.

We also invite you to participate in the Hindu advocacy movement. We will also provide an action plan for countering such propaganda, including Emailing, using social media, calling, and letter writing. If Hindu dharma has to counter the anti-Hindu onslaught, all of us Hindus must join forces.