13 year old girl, Bago Kolhi, was abducted forcefully on gunpoint

These hollow, questioning eyes should put a hole in your heart….we are failing these little girls…this 13 year old girl, Bago Kolhi, was abducted forcefully on gunpoint 5 days ago by Abid Ali and friends from her home and brought to Sufi Shrine of Pir Aga Jan Sharhandi, Samaro where she was converted and married to her abductor Abid Ali, in Sindh, Pakistan. The parents have been trying to complaint about this incident but police has not registered any report.

#SanctionPakistan #saveourgirls

@INSIGHTUK2 @StateDept @HouseForeign @UNChildRights1 @UN_Women @AmyMek @BarackObama @CLARITyCoaltion @YasMohammedxx @WorldBank @USAID @SamanthaJPower @IMFNews
