Producers of the popular TV show, “Xena: Warrior Princess” have cast Krishna as a fictional supporting player in an upcoming action episode - "The Way". The program, produced by Universal Studios, has Xena “seeking the help of the god Krishna to rescue G ...
Letter from World Vaishnava Association: “Xena” World Vaishnava Association
Letter to the producers of Xena from World Vaishnava Association India: 146 Gopesvara Road, Dist. Mathura UP Pin 281121 United States: 3585 Red Dog Drive, Camino, CA 95709 February 21, 1999 Sue May Pacific Renaissance Pictures Ltd. P.O. Box 90409 Aucklan ...
Harvard Crimson Article about AHAD Movement
The Material Girl Goes Spiritual By SUJIT RAMAN, September 22, 1998 URL: Those of you who missed the MTV Music Awards last week missed one of Madonna's greatest ...
Idols and Icons – The Misrepresentation of Hinduism in the Press
By David Frawley (Vamadeva Shastri)There are a number of terms that are applied to Hinduism in the Press, not only in the West but in India itself, which foster a negative image of it. Hindus are routinely called worshippers of idols, polytheists, and var ...
Rallying religious revival
An Early Article in India Today about HSC Traces the History of HinduNet and AHAD Title: Rallying religious revival Author: Arthur J. Pais (New York) Publication: India Today Date: November 15, 1997 Kanchan Banerjee was prevented from performing Ganesh p ...
Owner of Karma Club Responds to the Protest
Shree Srinivas Reddy posted the following response on our guestbook regarding the protest. We leave it to the readers of this site to judge his words. I am one of the owners of Club Karma in Chicago and I would like a fair chance to respond. First, I woul ...
Club Karma Defames Hindu Dharma
Background Information / Press ReleaseDRINKING, DANCING DEITIES: AN ATTACK ON HINDU DHARMAThe latest trend in the Indian-American subculture is the rise of the Indian-theme bar and nightclub a place that combines Hindu deities and Indian art with the drin ...
Call for Action; Drinking, Dancing Deities: An Attack on Hindu Dharma
Thank you for exploring this site and not being satisfied with the corruption of Hindu ideals. The following press release explains the controversy behind the nightclub Karma and its denigration of Hindu dharma through the exploitation of symbols of divi ...
AHADC Efforts Leads to Sony Apology to Hindus : Offending CD Cover to Be Withdrawn Immediately
The American Hindu Anti-Defamation Coalition (AHADC), is pleased to announce that on April 16, 1997, the senior lawyer for Sony Music & Entertainment, Inc., New York, (Sony), Mr. Joseph Salvo, contacted the attorney for AHADC, Mr. Chetan P. Tanna, and ...
AHADC Calls for Continuation of Protest since SONY has not yet apologized in writing and Major Stores Continue to Sell the “Nine Lives” CD
We note with great regret and dismay that the Hindu community has still not received any written apology from SONY Music for offending Hindus. Although SONY has changed most parts of its website, the promotional picture at this link still remains. We als ...